Gabriela Rangel was born in Michoacan, Mexico, the daughter of former fieldworkers. When she was three years old, her parents decided California would be a better place to raise a family, and emigrated with her older brother and younger sister, eventually growing into a family of seven as two more sisters were born.
Growing up, Gabriela vividly recalls the struggles the family endured with the lack of knowledge on how to navigate the U.S. political, social, and economic systems. The communication barrier was also a struggle, as Gabriela and her older brother on many occasions had to translate for their parents.
These firsthand memories and life experiences created an immediate desire for Gabriela to become involved with the Friends of Fieldworkers foundation once she learned about them. Grateful that she can be there for families who are experiencing their own struggles of navigation, Gabriela is excited to be a part of Friends of Fieldworkers and is ready to roll up her sleeves to help, both with her life experience and her over 25 years of employment experience as a lead project manager and now assistant business manager at a national fundraising and consulting firm in Ventura.
Gabriela’s pride and joy are her five daughters (Amanda, Natalie, Twins – Karla and Kaitlyn, and Sophia) and her two beautiful grandbabies (James and Emily).